While entering the library, all personal belongings such as books, parcels, hand-bags shall be deposited at the entrance counter and a token be obtained in lieu thereof
Though for the period of deposit, all reasonable care for the safe custody of the articles will be taken, the administration accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss for the same
If a token issued to a reader for depositing his belonging at the gate counter is lost, he will have to pay Rs.20/- towards its replacement cost
The staff member of the Library at the entrance is authorised to examine everything that passes into or out of the library
Talking, spitting, eating food, sleeping, or any behaviour calculated to disturb other readers or the discipline of the Library is strictly prohibited.
The Librarian has the power to suspend the use of the ticket and card of any member or to refuse admission to any one infringing any rules of the Library and/or to suspend or cancel the use of the borrower’s ticket and the Reading Room Card of any member.
No books shall be removed from the library by any person unless the person authorised has signed his name in the records maintained for the purpose or sent a signed receipt for the same to the librarian.
No books shall be issued to any person other than duly registered member or to a person duly authorised by such person in writing on each occasion and without production of the Borrowers Ticket
When there is any increase in demand of a particular book or books, the Librarian may regulate the use of such book in such a manner, as he considers proper
The Librarian may, at any time recall any book before the expiry of the period for which it was loaned and the borrower shall comply with such a requisition.
Notwithstanding anything in section (iv) above, the Librarian may, at his discretion, grant permission to any member to borrow such number of books, in excess, than he is entitled for mentioned in different categories as the Librarian may think prope
A member who keeps a book beyond the date on which it is returnable shall be required to pay a late fee of 1 Rs. per day per volume
If a borrower fails to pay the late fee within a period of one month from the date it become due, the same shall be deducted from his library deposit, His membership is liable to be cancelled after such deduction
Every member taking a book out of the library and every reader within the Library shall be responsible for its safe custody and shall return it to the Library
In the events of its being lost or damaged, he shall either replace it or pay the cost of replacement. If a book is “Rare” one, he shall be required to pay such compensation as the Librarian may think proper
Reader shall not write upon, damage, tear off the leaves or make any mark either in pencil or ink upon any book, manuscript or map belonging to the library, nor shall they lay the paper on which they are writing upon any book, map or manuscript. The erasure of any mark or any written
In case of a book belonging to a set or series is lost or damaged by a member and a new volume is not separately available, the whole set or series shall have to be replaced by the borrower
Before leaving the counter the borrower should immediately point out any mutilations in the book to Librarian or assistant on duty or otherwise the borrower shall be held responsible for replacement of the book or payment of such compensation as may be fixed by the Librarian.
It shall be the duty of the Library Assistant on duty at the counter to examine each book returned by a member and to check if it is mutilated or damage
A member for whom any dues are outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books or to withdraw his deposit unless he clears off all the dues
If a book remains unreturned for a fortnight after its due date, the borrower shall not be entitled to enjoy any library facilities till he returns the books and pays all the dues
Reading Room will remain open from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm excluding Sundays and Holidays.
Admission to Reading Room without identity card is prohibited
Every reader should sign in the entry register
Students can borrow on their identity card text-books, magazines, newspapers, question-paper set etc
Books for competitive examinations such as UPSC, MPSC, CA Foundation, IIT-JEE, MH-CET, MBA-CET, NDA, NET & SET,GRE, GMAT, CAT and TOEFL are available in the Reading Room
Reference books are not issued out. However, they are made available in the Reading Room.
For competitive examinations, magazines / journals are available in English, Hindi and Marathi
Reader should not mark, scratch, detach any pare or figure from the books.
Books / Study material issued in the Reading Room will have to be returned before leaving the reading room. Otherwise a fine of Rs. 10/- will be charged per day.
Silence should be observed in Reading Room.
Moible phones are strictly prohibited in the Reading Room
A teacher can borrow 10 books. Out of these 07 books should be related to his/ her subject ( including text books ), 02 books on fiction/ general interest and 1 book of any subject ( excluding text-book )
Fiction / general interest books are issued for 21 days. In case the teacher wants to keep them for more days, permission from the Principal should be obtained . Subject related text -books and subject related reference books are given to the teacher for one academic year.
In case a teacher wants text -book/reference book of a subject other than his/her own, a written permission ( explaining the reason for borrowing) should be obtained from the Principal.)
> A teacher can borrow one subject -related and one other magazine/journal from the reading room for 21 days.
A non-teaching staff member can borrow Five books; one general and one fiction and one magazine for 21 days. Text -books and reference works will not be issued to them on any ground.
Periodicals will be issued fifteen days after their entry
Books/periodicals not returned within due date will be fined at the rate of Rs.1/- per week . The maximum fine will be Rs. 100/-
All the books/periodicals borrowed should be returned on or before April 30,otherwise twice the amount of the original price or the current price will be deducted as deposit from the salary of May. Minimum deduction will be Rs.50/-( even if the current price or twice the price of the orginal
Syllabus ,question paper sets,guidesetc.will not be issued . However,employees can borrow and go through them in the reading room
Encyclopaedia, Dictionaries ,Annual Issues, Bound Volumes of Articles/Magazines and Rare Books will be not issued out.
dentity card is compulsory to all the students enrolled.
Every student should possess identity card in the college campus. On demand, he / she should produce the same.
Duplicate identity card will be issued to the registered student if necessary after paying @ Rs.25/-
Senior (Degree) college and P.G. students are given two books and junior college students are given 02 books for a week.
Students should take care of books issued to them. They should inform about missing pages to the library (counter) staff, the very moment of its issue.
Missing page @ Re. 1/- per page and a binding charge of Rs. 10/- per book will be charged.
The lost / torn book will have to be replaced with latest edition. Otherwise, twice the price of the latest edition will be charged, subject to a minimum of Rs. 50/-
Suggestion Box is kept in the reading room. Constructive suggestions / complaints are welcome.
In case of any grievances, contact the librarian
A Member who keeps a book beyond the date on which it is returnable shall be required to pay a late fee of 1 Rs. Per day per book
In the case of book being lost or damaged he/she shall to replace the book. In case of out of print books he/she shall be required to pay not less than 2 times cost of the books.
In case of a book belonging to a set or series is lost of damage by a member/reader and a new volume is not separately available, the whole set or series shall have to new replaced by the borrower.
Such action shall be taken against a person for unauthorized removal of the books or other property of the library committee in its next meeting the action taken in this regard.